Welcome to my webpage! I am looking forward to another exciting year at RBR!
This is my 6th year teaching at Red Bank Regional. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Hospitality Management and a Master's Degree in Education. Here at RBR, I am a Special Education teacher who works in the general education classroom and the Structured Learning Experience Coordinator who supports students with special needs transitioning into the workplace. Lastly, I am also the co-advisor for the Interact Club, a service club that works alongside the Red Bank Rotary Club to perform local community projects.
If you are looking for additional support in one of my classes, please email me directly at descayg@rbrhs.org or come see me in room 270.
On this webpage you will find valuable information and links that will help you begin to navigate the work force and understand the complex federal and state labor laws.
If you click on the Interact Club link, you will be able to view our tentative meeting dates and upcoming activities. We are always looking for new members, please email me if you would like more information on how to get involved and make a difference in our community!
I look forward to helping you in your educational and career goals and hope to see you at an Interact Club meeting!