• Red Bank Regional offers a high intensity ELL program designed to improve the skills of English Language Learners. High quality instruction extends throughout the program, and most courses are taught with the assistance of a bilingual paraprofessional. The department features a cross-content teaching team, and assessments are done using a portfolio approach. Curriculum is both culturally relevant and reflective of the contemporary multicultural adolescent experience. Tutoring is available in English and Spanish for all ELL students during lunch hours and after school. Parent involvement and student advocacy are also integral to the program. Seniors are eligible for the “Puente al Futuro” program, or “Bridge to the Future,” a “Fast Start” college program at Brookdale Community College. This program offers ELL seniors the opportunity to take six college credits in their senior year of high school. Grants fund this program, and include book costs and transportation. Students successful in the program may then apply for a full scholarship upon graduation from Red Bank Regional and continue their college education at Brookdale Community College.



    Thomas McDonough
    Ext. 220


    Administrative Assistant

    Ann Hansen
    Ext. 253