• Mets






    Email: jprovine@rbrhs.org



    Degrees and Certifications:

    West Chester University of PA 

    BS Health

    My name is Mr. Provine.
    Go BUCS! Let's Go Mets! Go G-MEN!
     I am starting my 8th year at RBR and I teach freshman Health & Physical Education. I look forward to the 2022-2023 school year at RBR!
     Physical Education Make-ups


    Meet by PE equipment closet by the time listed ready to begin. Note: morning or afternoon times are listed




    Additionally, I am in my seventh year as the school's Strength & Conditioning Coach.
    I look forward to working with the entire RBR community!
    BUC POWER!!!
    Instagram: @rbrstrength
    Twitter: @BUCSTRENGTH