As a student/faculty of Red Bank Regional High School, you have free access to a wide range of research resources. These resources are a great tool for providing reliable information for assignments and research. No login necessary (to most of them) while in school. For home access, use the login and password you were given by your teacher, or through our newsletters, or contact Mrs. Barry below.
If you see the Google Classroom or Drive icon at the top of the screen, click login and it will be synced on your device. Most of these research databases have direct links to Google Classroom and Google Drive, making the process of collecting, saving, citing, and annotating much easier.
If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Barry in the Media Center, by Google voice number (text) 732.784.7898 or abarry at rbrhs.org
RBR Students and Staff have access to an educational digital subscription to The New York Times. If you haven't signed up for an account yet, visit nytimes.com/passes or contact your teacher or Mrs. Barry for assistance. |